Organization Profile

City of Lethbridge

​Lethbridge is a beautiful city with tremendous community pride. Our small city charm, friendly people and warm Chinook winds are second only to our spectacular High Level Bridge.

 Fast Facts About Lethbridge

  • Lethbridge enjoys more than 320 days of sunshine per year.
  • Lethbridge became a city on May 9, 1906.
  • The height of the CP Rail High Level Bridge is 95.7 meters.
  • Lethbridge is one of only a few cities its size with two post-secondary institutions – Lethbridge College and University of Lethbridge.
  • Agriculture is the main industry in southern Alberta and plays an important role in the city’s retail, wholesale and service sectors.
  • Lethbridge provides a central location from which to see some of the most spectacular attractions and scenery that Alberta has to offer:
  • Lethbridge offers more than 130 parks, 240 km of walking and running trails, playgrounds and sports fields throughout the city.

Org Name:

City of Lethbridge

Contact Name:

Customer Service

Job Title:

Customer Service





910 4th Avenue South



May 27, 2021 8:39 am

Last Update:

September 13, 2022 1:28 pm