Calgary =>

Focus Area

Social Justice & Reconciliation Calgary

Region: Calgary

Justice has continued to meet and has recently sent a paper to Ottawa regarding Bill C75 An Opportunity to Implement Case Conferences for Offenders with Fetal Alcohol
Spectrum Disorder (see link to article on the SISN website)

Justice Circle – Large distribution list of justice and legal stakeholders. Updated periodically on activity and information related to action-oriented community level change, awareness building and support toward social justice and decolonization within justice and legal systems.

Cultural Competency Working Group – re-named justice circle working group??

Justice Circle Working Group – Focus on action-oriented community level change, building awareness of and supports social justice and decolonization within justice and legal systems.

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Group – Focused on policy change, Creation of Recommendation paper reviewed in Ottawa regarding Bill C-75 An Opportunity to Implement Case Conferences for Offenders with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.

#42      “We call upon the federal, provincial and territorial governments to commit to the recognition and implementation of Aboriginal justice systems in a manner that is consistent with the Treaty and Aboriginal rights of Aboriginal peoples, the Constitution Act, 1992, and the United Nations Declaration on rights of Indigenous Peoples, endorsed by Canada in November 2012.” 5

#50      “In keeping with the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, we call upon federal government, in collaboration with Aboriginal organizations, to fund the establishment of Indigenous law institutes for reconciliation. “The development, use, and understanding of Indigenous laws and access to justice in accordance with the unique cultures of Aboriginal peoples in Canada.” 5

Article 40 “Indigenous peoples have the right to access to and prompt decision through just and fair procedures for the resolution of conflicts and disputes with States or other parties, as well as to effective remedies for all infringements of their individual and collective rights. Such a decision shall give due consideration to the customs, traditions, rules and legal systems of the indigenous peoples concerned and international human rights.” 6

Create a resource plan for the public

Create a policy strategy committee