Calgary =>

Focus Area

Elders & Youth Circle

Region: Calgary




The importance of this becoming a circle is for Elders to connect with youth and pass tradition on to today.

#64     “We call upon all levels of government that provide public funds to denominational schools to require such schools to provide an education on comparative religious studies, which must include a segment on Aboriginal spiritual beliefs and practices developed in collaboration with Aboriginal Elders.” 5

#66     “We call upon the federal government to establish multiyear funding for community-based youth programs on reconciliation and establish a national network to share information and best practices.” 5

Article 13 “Indigenous peoples have the right to revitalized, use, develop and transmit to future generations their histories, language, oral traditions, philosophies, writing systems and literatures, and designates and retain their own names for communities, places and persons.” 6

Create purposeful Space for Youth & Elder Engagement

Capturing oral traditions and teachings 

Getting back to the Circle