Lethbridge =>

Organization Profile

Prairie Treatment Clinic


Prairie Treatment Clinic offers opiate replacement therapy, including methadone and suboxone for individuals struggling with opiate addiction.

Our team of physicians, registered nurses, pharmacists, counselors and administrative staff, work together to provide safe, supportive and confidential care for our patients.

Methadone is an opioid prescribed by a Physician. Methadone has been used to manage opioid dependence for more than 40 years. Methadone is given in liquid form.

Both Methadone and Suboxone have been effective in treating opioid dependence because they generally do not make you feel high. Methadone and Suboxone are taken once per day. Once you are on a stable dose you should feel quite normal, with no drowsiness or withdrawal symptoms. This is because Methadone and Suboxone stay in your body longer than other opioids. Both are safe to use long-term.

Methadone and Suboxone Replacement Therapy require ongoing support and monitoring, including prescription management, medical follow-up, urine testing, counseling and treatment planning. The staff at Prairie Treatment Clinic are here to help.

Our team of physicians, registered nurses, pharmacists, counselors and administrative staff, work together to provide safe, supportive and confidential care for our patients.

Suboxone is also used to manage opioid dependence. Suboxone is a tablet containing an opiate (called Buprenorphine), and an agent that counteracts opiates (called Naloxone), to prevent misuse.

Both Methadone and Suboxone have been effective in treating opioid dependence because they generally do not make you feel high. Methadone and Suboxone are taken once per day. Once you are on a stable dose you should feel quite normal, with no drowsiness or withdrawal symptoms. This is because Methadone and Suboxone stay in your body longer than other opioids. Both are safe to use long-term.

Methadone and Suboxone Replacement Therapy require ongoing support and monitoring, including prescription management, medical follow-up, urine testing, counseling and treatment planning. The staff at Prairie Treatment Clinic are here to help.

Prairie Treatment Clinic has counselling services at the clinic. We can also help connect you with counselling services specific to the community you live in.

Addiction is like an iceberg. The top part (the use) is what we see. Underneath the surface there are things we can’t see like physical and mental health issues, but also stress, pain, loneliness, loss, trauma, abuse, relationship problems, boredom, anger, fear, low self-esteem, hurt, conflict, shame, guilt, domestic violence or painful memories. Methadone and Suboxone help to take care of the top part. Counselling helps to take care of the underlying issues.

Prairie Treatment Clinic offers Pharmacy services with Pharmachoice

Chinook Rx is a Pharmachoice Pharmacy connected with Prairie Treatment Clinic

Monday-Friday 8:30-5:30
Saturday-Sunday 10:00-2:00
Phone: 587-425-0101
Fax: 587-425-0103

Org Name:

Prairie Treatment Clinic

Contact Name:

Job Title:


(403) 942-7077



901 3rd Avenue South



April 15, 2024 12:48 pm

Last Update:

April 15, 2024 12:48 pm