Organization Profile

Lethbridge Legal Guidance


Lethbridge Legal Guidance is a non-profit organization committed to providing equal, equitable and dignified access to justice for Southern Alberta’s most vulnerable populations.

All of our services are free to those who qualify.

We offer: Summary legal advice clinics, paralegal immigration services, Indigenous paralegal services, an Indigenous Liaison program, Public Legal Education sessions, Know B4U Go, a special employment law clinic, the Victim’s Representative program, and much more.

Representation is not guaranteed although we do have a staff lawyer on site who will take clinic client files on if there is a need for more in-depth legal services.

For more information on any of our services or programs,  or to complete a quick and confidential intake, please call Cassandra at 403-380-6338.

Org Name:

Lethbridge Legal Guidance

Contact Name:

Cassandra Ostlund

Job Title:

Indigenous Liaison


(403) 380-6338



423 5th Street South



January 3, 2024 10:03 am

Last Update:

January 3, 2024 10:55 am