Jan 5, 2019 @ 8:30 am – 5:00 pm
Family Connections™

Hi everyone,

Thank you for spreading the word about Family Connections and making our previous courses a success. I am pleased to inform you all the Family Connections program will be returning to Calgary this winter, with sessions spanning two full weekends in January and February.

Family Connections is a free, evidence-based program that provides practical knowledge and skills training to individuals close to someone struggling with emotional dysregulation and/or related problems. The course focuses on building coping and communication skills, and overall regaining family functioning.

This upcoming program will be hosted over two full weekends at Northwest Centre 1 (4500 – 16th Ave NW). Please view the attached flyer for more information. To register for this upcoming session, learn more about the program or view other upcoming programs in Alberta please visit: http://sashbear.org/en/family-connections

If these dates don’t work for you and you are still interested in attending, please sign up on The Sashbear Foundation website to be notified by email about future offerings.

Thank you, if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact myself or the local organizer:

Cindy Gerdes

Email: cindy.gerdes@ahs.ca

Phone: (780)-907-7054